


最高学历毕业院校及专业:香港中文大学医学院 生物医学







职称 研究员 最高学历毕业院校及专业 香港中文大学医学院 生物医学
所属学科 药理学 电子邮箱 lulan@cdu.edu.cn
研究方向 1. 天然小分子药物的抗感染药效评价及机理研究,主要方向为与细菌耐药相关的生物被膜抑制剂和群体感应抑制剂等;<br>
2. 抗肿瘤药理研究,主要方向为抗肿瘤血管生成和自噬等。<br>
发表论文 发表SCI论文30余篇,总引用次数近1300次;以第一作者发表文章累计影响因子>120,包括多篇一区及高被引文章。其中,以第一作者身份发表的文章如下:<BR>
1. Lan Lu, Mingxing Li, Guojuan Yi, Li Liao, Qiang Cheng, Jie Zhu, Bin Zhang, Yingying Wang, Yong Chen, Ming Zeng. Screening strategies for quorum sensing inhibitors in combating bacterial infections, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2022, 12(1): 1-14. (高被引论文,IF=14.026)<BR>
2. Lu L, Hu W, Tian Z, Yuan D, Yi G, Zhou Y, Cheng Q, Zhu J, Li M: Developing natural products as potential anti-biofilm agents. Chinese Medicine 2019, 14:11. (高被引论文,200余次,IF=4.546)<BR>
3. Wu X, Hu W, Lu L, Zhao Y, Zhou Y, Xiao Z, Zhang L, Zhang H, Li X, Li W, Wang S, Cho CH, Shen J, Li M: Repurposing vitamin D for treatment of human malignancies via targeting tumor microenvironment. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2019, 9:203-19. (共同第一作者,IF=14.903)<BR>
4. Lan Lu, Zhi Jie Li, Long Fei Li, William Ka Kei Wu, Jing Shen, Lin Zhang, Ruby Lok Yi Chan, Le Yu, Ya Wei Liu, Shun Xiang Ren, Kam Ming Chan, Chi Hin Cho.Vascular-targeted TNFα improves tumor blood vessel function and enhances antitumor immunity and chemotherapy in colorectal cancer. Journal of Controlled Release.2015,7(210),134-146. (IF=11.467)<BR>
5. Hu W, Chen ZM, Li XX, Lu L, Yang GH, Lei ZX, You LJ, Cui XB, Lu SC, Zhai ZY, Zeng ZY, Chen Y, Huang SL, Gong W: Faecal microbiome and metabolic signatures in rectal neuroendocrine tumors. Theranostics 2022, 12:2015-27. (共同第一作者,IF=11.6)<BR>
6. Li Y, Lu L, Wu X, Li Q, Zhao Y, Du F, Chen Y, Shen J, Xiao Z, Wu Z, Hu W, Cho CH, Li M: The Multifaceted Role of Long Non-Coding RNA in Gastric Cancer: Current Status and Future Perspectives. International Journal of Biological Sciences 2021, 17:2737-55. (共同第一作者,IF=10.75)<BR>
7. Yubin Liu, Lan Lu, Huan Yang, Xu Wu, Xinyue Luo, Jing Shen, Zhangang Xiao, Yueshui Zhao, Fukuan Du, Yu Chen, Shuai Deng, Chi Hin Cho, Qianxiu Li, Xiaobing Li, Wanping Li, Fang Wang, Yuhong Sun, Li Gu, Meijuan Chen, Mingxing Li, Dysregulation of immunity by cigarette smoking promotes inflammation and cancer: A review, Environmental Pollution, Volume 2023: 339,122730. (共同第一作者,IF=8.9)<BR>
8.Lan Lu, Yuting Zhao, Mingxing Li, Xiaobo Wang, Jie Zhu, Li Liao, Jingya Wang, Contemporary strategies and approaches for characterizing composition and enhancing biofilm penetration targeting bacterial extracellular polymeric substances, Jounal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2023, (IF=8.8)<BR>
9.Lu, L., Wang, J., Wang, C., Zhu, J., Wang, H., Liao, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Yang, C., He, Z., & Li, M. (2023). Plant-derived virulence arresting drugs as novel antimicrobial agents: Discovery, perspective, and challenges in clinical use. Phytotherapy Research, 1–28. (IF=7.2)<BR>
10. Lan Lu, Huan Qi, Jie Zhu, Wen Xia Sun, Bin Zhang, Chun Yan Tang, Qiang Cheng*.Vascular-homing peptides for cancer therapy. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 2017(92),187-195. (IF=7.419)<br>
11. L. Lu, Ruby L.Y. Chan, X.M. Luo, William K.K. Wu, Vivian Y. Shin, C.H. Cho. Animal models of gastrointestinal inflammation and cancer. Life Sciences. 2014, 108(1):1-6. (IF=6.78)<BR>
12. Lan, Lu; Hin, Cho Chi. TCP-1 as a novel phage-display peptide targeting colon cancer, FASEB JOURNAL,2014,34(10):5865-5865. (IF=5.834)<BR>
13. Lan Lu, Zhi Jie Li, Long Fei Li, Jing Shen, Lin Zhang, Ming Xing Li, Jian Hao Wang, Chi Hin Cho.Targeted low-dose TNFα delivered by TCP-1 peptide exerts differential synergistic effects on anti-cancer actions of chemotherapeutic drugs. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2018.44: 475-81. (IF=5.062)<BR>
14. Lu L, Zhao Y, Yi G, Li M, Liao L, Yang C, Cho C, Zhang B, Zhu J, Zou K, Cheng Q: Quinic acid: a potential antibiofilm agent against clinical resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chinese Medicine 2021, 16:72. (IF=4.546)<BR>
15. Lu Lan; Li Zhi Jie; Li Long Fei; Shen Jing; Zhang Lin; Li Ming Xing; Xiao Zhan Gang; Wang Jian Hao; Cho Chi Hin, A novel vascular-targeting peptide for gastric cancer delivers low-dose TNF alpha to normalize the blood vessels and improve the anti-cancer efficiency of 5-fluorouracil, PEPTIDES,2017, 11(97)54-63. (IF=3.867)<BR>
16. Lu L, Huang W, Hu W, Jiang L, Li Y, Wu X, Yuan D, Li M: Kruppel-like factor 2 mediated anti-proliferative and anti-metastasis effects of simvastatin in p53 mutant colon cancer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2019, 511:772-9. (IF=3.322)<BR>
教学科研成果 主持国家自然科学基金项目、省部级和厅局级基金项目;参与国家“十三五”重大专项两项,每年参与包括地方政府职能部门、地方知名药企及成都市龙头企业的多项横向项目。<br>
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2019.1-2021.12,主持<br>
3. 四川省科技厅四川自然科学基金面上项目,2024.1-2025.12,主持<br>
4. 四川省教育厅科研项目,2017.1-2019.1,主持<br>
5. 抗生素研究与再评价四川省重点实验室开放课题,主持<br>
6. 成都大学引进人才启动项目, 2016.1-2020.1,主持<br>
7. 参与国家重大新药创制“十三五”科技重大专项两项<br>
8. 指导硕士研究生获批2022年四川省科技厅创新创业苗子工程项目1项<br>

鲁兰,博士研究生,研究员,四川省海外高层次留学人才, 四川省抗感染药物创制工程研究中心副主任,四川省“卫生健康英才计划”中青年骨干人才,“科创中国”天府青年百人会首批青年科学家,成都市成华区归国华侨联合会“侨智菁英”。


中国药理学会会员,四川省药理学学会肿瘤药理专业委员会委员,四川省科技青年联合会会员,国际药学高水平期刊Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Phytomedicine等国际学术期刊审稿人,《中药药理与临床》(核心期刊)青年编委。


2003-2008 四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院,本科,基础医学专业;

2008-2011 四川大学华西基础医学与法医学院,硕士研究生,药理学专业;



1. 天然小分子药物的抗感染药效评价及机理研究,主要方向为与细菌耐药相关的生物被膜抑制剂和群体感应抑制剂等;
2. 抗肿瘤药理研究,主要方向为抗肿瘤血管生成和自噬等。

1. Lan Lu, Mingxing Li, Guojuan Yi, Li Liao, Qiang Cheng, Jie Zhu, Bin Zhang, Yingying Wang, Yong Chen, Ming Zeng. Screening strategies for quorum sensing inhibitors in combating bacterial infections, Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2022, 12(1): 1-14. (高被引论文,IF=14.026)
2. Lu L, Hu W, Tian Z, Yuan D, Yi G, Zhou Y, Cheng Q, Zhu J, Li M: Developing natural products as potential anti-biofilm agents. Chinese Medicine 2019, 14:11. (高被引论文,200余次,IF=4.546)
3. Wu X, Hu W, Lu L, Zhao Y, Zhou Y, Xiao Z, Zhang L, Zhang H, Li X, Li W, Wang S, Cho CH, Shen J, Li M: Repurposing vitamin D for treatment of human malignancies via targeting tumor microenvironment. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 2019, 9:203-19. (共同第一作者,IF=14.903)
4. Lan Lu, Zhi Jie Li, Long Fei Li, William Ka Kei Wu, Jing Shen, Lin Zhang, Ruby Lok Yi Chan, Le Yu, Ya Wei Liu, Shun Xiang Ren, Kam Ming Chan, Chi Hin Cho.Vascular-targeted TNFα improves tumor blood vessel function and enhances antitumor immunity and chemotherapy in colorectal cancer. Journal of Controlled Release.2015,7(210),134-146. (IF=11.467)
5. Hu W, Chen ZM, Li XX, Lu L, Yang GH, Lei ZX, You LJ, Cui XB, Lu SC, Zhai ZY, Zeng ZY, Chen Y, Huang SL, Gong W: Faecal microbiome and metabolic signatures in rectal neuroendocrine tumors. Theranostics 2022, 12:2015-27. (共同第一作者,IF=11.6)
6. Li Y, Lu L, Wu X, Li Q, Zhao Y, Du F, Chen Y, Shen J, Xiao Z, Wu Z, Hu W, Cho CH, Li M: The Multifaceted Role of Long Non-Coding RNA in Gastric Cancer: Current Status and Future Perspectives. International Journal of Biological Sciences 2021, 17:2737-55. (共同第一作者,IF=10.75)
7. Yubin Liu, Lan Lu, Huan Yang, Xu Wu, Xinyue Luo, Jing Shen, Zhangang Xiao, Yueshui Zhao, Fukuan Du, Yu Chen, Shuai Deng, Chi Hin Cho, Qianxiu Li, Xiaobing Li, Wanping Li, Fang Wang, Yuhong Sun, Li Gu, Meijuan Chen, Mingxing Li, Dysregulation of immunity by cigarette smoking promotes inflammation and cancer: A review, Environmental Pollution, Volume 2023: 339,122730. (共同第一作者,IF=8.9)
8.Lan Lu, Yuting Zhao, Mingxing Li, Xiaobo Wang, Jie Zhu, Li Liao, Jingya Wang, Contemporary strategies and approaches for characterizing composition and enhancing biofilm penetration targeting bacterial extracellular polymeric substances, Jounal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2023, (IF=8.8)
9.Lu, L., Wang, J., Wang, C., Zhu, J., Wang, H., Liao, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Yang, C., He, Z., & Li, M. (2023). Plant-derived virulence arresting drugs as novel antimicrobial agents: Discovery, perspective, and challenges in clinical use. Phytotherapy Research, 1–28. (IF=7.2)
10. Lan Lu, Huan Qi, Jie Zhu, Wen Xia Sun, Bin Zhang, Chun Yan Tang, Qiang Cheng*.Vascular-homing peptides for cancer therapy. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY, 2017(92),187-195. (IF=7.419)
11. L. Lu, Ruby L.Y. Chan, X.M. Luo, William K.K. Wu, Vivian Y. Shin, C.H. Cho. Animal models of gastrointestinal inflammation and cancer. Life Sciences. 2014, 108(1):1-6. (IF=6.78)
12. Lan, Lu; Hin, Cho Chi. TCP-1 as a novel phage-display peptide targeting colon cancer, FASEB JOURNAL,2014,34(10):5865-5865. (IF=5.834)
13. Lan Lu, Zhi Jie Li, Long Fei Li, Jing Shen, Lin Zhang, Ming Xing Li, Jian Hao Wang, Chi Hin Cho.Targeted low-dose TNFα delivered by TCP-1 peptide exerts differential synergistic effects on anti-cancer actions of chemotherapeutic drugs. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2018.44: 475-81. (IF=5.062)
14. Lu L, Zhao Y, Yi G, Li M, Liao L, Yang C, Cho C, Zhang B, Zhu J, Zou K, Cheng Q: Quinic acid: a potential antibiofilm agent against clinical resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Chinese Medicine 2021, 16:72. (IF=4.546)
15. Lu Lan; Li Zhi Jie; Li Long Fei; Shen Jing; Zhang Lin; Li Ming Xing; Xiao Zhan Gang; Wang Jian Hao; Cho Chi Hin, A novel vascular-targeting peptide for gastric cancer delivers low-dose TNF alpha to normalize the blood vessels and improve the anti-cancer efficiency of 5-fluorouracil, PEPTIDES,2017, 11(97)54-63. (IF=3.867)
16. Lu L, Huang W, Hu W, Jiang L, Li Y, Wu X, Yuan D, Li M: Kruppel-like factor 2 mediated anti-proliferative and anti-metastasis effects of simvastatin in p53 mutant colon cancer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2019, 511:772-9. (IF=3.322)

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2019.1-2021.12,主持
3. 四川省科技厅四川自然科学基金面上项目,2024.1-2025.12,主持
4. 四川省教育厅科研项目,2017.1-2019.1,主持
5. 抗生素研究与再评价四川省重点实验室开放课题,主持
6. 成都大学引进人才启动项目, 2016.1-2020.1,主持
7. 参与国家重大新药创制“十三五”科技重大专项两项
8. 指导硕士研究生获批2022年四川省科技厅创新创业苗子工程项目1项